Sunday, July 17, 2005


Hmmm...I wonder if I did it right.

Were those two posts, you know, the ones that are a part one and two...were they sufficient?

Did they get my point across? And should I finish it?

I have to admit I did enjoy writing them. After, I always have to, well....take care of something.

I just hope I've been able to make someone else do the same.

I enjoy knowing I can make a person react that makes me feel...worthy, learned...not to mention the fact that I would love knowing that some of you wondered about I was, so to speak.

Through all this and a few other things that have happened lately, I've come to realize that I have a lot to offer...I'm very capable...and the man that gets to spend time with me will be so lucky.

My appetite will keep him hunger will keep him satisfied...and once in a while, I'll make him late for work.


Frogstar said...

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I've been reading your blog for a while...I just can't keep away.

It's great. Please keep writing - I'll keep reading.

Anonymous said...

you are obviously good at what you do. thank you for the enjoyable reads.

baddandy said...


oh yes, you definitely have it right.
to a point anyway, but please don't leave us hanging!

Wanting said...

moogle...thank you...glad you're pleased...

anonynous...any chance you'd let me know who you are? your secret is safe with me.. may be a good thing that we aren't closer, but it could be great to BE closer.. a point? does that mean you don't like it as much as I'd hoped?

Angry Android said...

I really enjoy your posts of erotic literature. The mental images you paint are pretty impressive. Keep up the good work.