Friday, June 03, 2005


I should have known better. I have caller i.d. so why don't I use it? Why do I let certain things get to me?

Why do people feel the need to just accept things in their lives when it makes them miserable? Sure it's hard to change, but don't not change it because it's hard...

I like my time least most of it. It's not like I wasn't alone a lot before all this happened. I may make mistakes and sometimes I have to work a little extra so I can make a decent paycheck. I owe money but my bills are paid on time and I'm the one who pays them. I wasn't lucky enough to find someone who would "take care" of me. Maybe I should have "forgotten" my pill one morning. Wham...Bam...
oops...sorry, baby...your mine room and board. I can even go to college because, dammit, it's pretty close to free.

I know I said no whining til after the weekend, but, I lied...yep, I can do it, too.

I think I may lose the few readers I have with this one...if it offends you, I'm sorry. I appreciate everything everyone has given me by way of advice. But I'm afraid I'm feeling particularly hateful...wallowing in self-pity...both very unbecoming.

I hate this feeling...angry...bitter...I'm a fucking shrew...

Several years ago...a call in the middle of the night...drunk...crying...he's sorry he was never able to give me a baby...he would reverse it if he could, but he can't...
sure...I understand...not that your two kids would mind a half-sister or brother...and what would your parents think...your brother and sister...

Not to mention the wife...

But please, tell me all about the weddings and the new babies...then make me feel bad because I get upset...I'm jealous...guess I didn't read the etiquette book with the sections on "How To Keep Playing The Fool" and "You Asked For It."

Being a fool means never taking the responsibility of your actions. It's years later and I'm finally responsible.

Better late than never, I guess.


Edge said...

no gonna lose me as a reader, just hate to see the setback.

Anonymous said...

Ahem!...and what makes you think you can run us all off with a little vitriolic spew, eh? Hah! Your gonna have to better than that, Missy! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey missy - you need to get out into the Blogisphere and go jukin' (or visitin') and mark a few trees (leave comments) and get yer mind off the neggie things ... I'm jus' sayin' ;)
See ya round the 'sphere sweet pea!

Wanting said...

why can't there be more guys like you two?

Anonymous said...

There are - lots of 'em - really! ;)

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »