Monday, June 27, 2005


Fantasies can be very pleasant, especially when shared.

Of course, that depends on with whom, and just how much you share.

I have my romantic ones and I have naughty ones...

ALL are sexual in some way.

Some I've tried to actually make happen...

Some I wish would happen...

Most of them involve one man ideal that I have...

One involves more than one man...sometimes two...

Sometimes more...

In all of them, I am their desire...their need...the only one that can make them happy...

I am beautiful to them, and they make me feel like I'm the only one they want.

Some make love to me...slow, very passionate, loving.

Some take me...not like you think...more of an impatient wanting that they can barely control...they never hurt me...

They fuck me. And I can't get enough.

One involves a involves someone from work...and to be honest, several involve certain bloggers I've read and still read regularly...

One or two have been about someone I've seen and/or met in public...

One fantasy has to do with a big wooden dining room table...others, a walk in the office, behind a closed counters...bathroom bed...his bed...our bed...

Certain ones I think of when I have to "curb" my appetite...

I'm just curious...what fantasies do other people have?

Like Blade, I guess I'm just wondering out loud...


Anonymous said...

i have been very fortunate to have known "wanting" long before she started writing for its theraputic value - she always made me feel better, even with all her travails. I could not imagine being able to have handled the cards that have dealt to her - and i count myself very lucky to have "met" her long ago and more than a bit giddy to have been included in some of her thoughts - any person that had the chance to know the person I do, and felt compelled to blow a chance to be with her every day, well . . . he just must not be right.

BladeRunner said...

Wow, fronted on your site. I'm honored and blushing. I have the typical male dream, two women (or more) and me. There are plenty more but I don't dare write them here. ;)

Wanting said...

Anonymous....very sweet...thank you...

Blade...I doubt you blush much...

Wanting said...

um..yes...someone does...

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! »