Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I'm craving an Oreos and Creme Klondike bar.

I'm also craving a really deep, hard, needy, intense, deep (I know, but I like it) fuck.

I would gladly forgo the ice cream.


Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, I'm eating a Klondike bar right now. And I was perfectly happy only doing that until I read the next sentence. Something about the power of suggestion, I guess.

Wanting said...

Geeez...the whole world is against me!

Anonymous said...

Methinks we are all paddling the same canoe!

Me said...

somehow, I believe that only the ice cream part is my fault....

so is it safe to assume that you & Andrew had a splendid evening? LOL


Wanting said...

hey...those lifetimne movies can be pretty good

The Seeker said...

But the ice cream is so nice to lick off... specially with carmel sauce.