Friday, July 21, 2006


Last weekend we went on a camping trip together.

We still get together sometimes...we even fuck sometimes.

But that's all it is...a fuck.

I thought I was ok with things.

But last weekend pointed out something to me.

It reminded me of all the trips we took together when I was so happy just to be with him. That was when we were like a real couple. We talked and laughed and played...

We didn't talk much on this trip. It seemed we were pissing one another off once in a while. Not quite arguing, but just...annoying each other.

Saturday night I was hot and bitchy and tired of not hearing the conversation between the other campers that they seemed to be enjoying, so I went back to our tent to go to sleep.

Instead of sleeping, I started crying.

He's getting over me.

Besides feeling those pangs of regret, this epiphany I seemed to be having was making things even worse.

It's not that I want to be back with him, it's the fact that things changed...things I thought would be there for the rest of my life.

We DID have fun times together...made great memories...and in spite of all the misery, a lot of those were the best times. I guess it's like when you were a kid and you remember that feeling you got when you did a certain something that you can never get back again.

He's getting over me.

I hope we can stay friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drifting apart and not having the good times we used to have with our significant others doesn't take away from the good times that were. Those memories are the things that we can take into the future.