Tuesday, August 30, 2005


My eyes....see you before me, standing tall in a pair of old jeans, the belt undone, barely open at the top, as you shave around the goatee I love to feel against my skin when you do those wonderful things that you do to me...

My nose....can smell your scent, freshly showered, that cologne you wear that I bought you, knowing it makes me crazy...

My lips....slightly parted as I run my tongue over them, tasting us still...

My breasts....full and heavy, slowly rising and falling with each breath I take, nipples hardening at the thought of you sucking on them...

My hands....needing to touch you again, to feel you sleeping next to me, standing beside me, and to hold onto you as you love me...

My cunt....so wet, full of the two of us, from the whole night before, sore from the way you took me, the way I surrendered to you...

My ass....promised to you before you leave me...

My legs....not as willing to part as some would believe, but for you, always.

My feet....several times since we've been together....flat on the bed as you begin to devour me, but soon stretched in throes of ecstasy...

My soul....bared to you, at times too soon, it seems...

My heart....slowly...within your grasp...

I walk up to you and wrap my arms around you, my eyes meeting yours in the mirror, and you smile at me as you hold my hands to you. I kiss the back of your bare arm, my gaze never wavering, and you pull my arms away as you turn around to face me. You smile at me, your fingers trailing along my cheek, but I sink to my knees, my hands undressing you, enjoying the look on your face as I pull you out, hard and ready, and I take you inside my mouth, your gasp making me groan on you, and your thick cock almost making me choke.

I suck you as if I'm starving for your cock, hungrily tasting every inch you have. I don't let you wait, I want you now, I want you to lose that control you have and cum down my throat. Your hands in my hair, pulling me onto you, as you fuck my mouth, surprise and lust and need all over your face. I watch you as you enjoy my tongue, my lips, my teeth, all making you harder with each thrust...

Your moans make me want it all the more, and suddenly you're there, close and ready and very willing, and your cum hits the back of my throat, hot and creamy, and I barely manage to drink. I watch your face as you empty down my throat, and I moan on you, loving how you enjoy my mouth, how your big hands pull my hair as you make me take all of you...

Monday, August 29, 2005


A certain someone asked me if I wanted some TLC tonight.

I wasn't feeling well, tired and wanting a shower.

I looked at him and I could see that he was serious.

Where the fuck were you when I asked for it?

Practically begged you for it?


Outdrlvr started this one...and BTW..go read his blog...he got some great news this past week....congratulations, sweetie...

Seven things I am thankful for...

1) My health...I was very sick a couple of years ago...but I was very lucky...there are those a lot worse off than I...

2) My friends...all who know me and like me (and some who love me) for who I am...my life is all the more richer for this...

3) My love of nature...I don't do it as much as I'd like, but to walk in the woods or watch a spider on it's web...to watch my dog being happy because he is a dog...people don't realize all this is a gift...

4) My country...I was never that patriotic until all the recent events...even though we still need a lot of help for our society here, we are still the greatest country in the world. We can do things a lot of people are not allowed to do in their own country...

5) People in my family...my sister and my niece..I miss them so much...my dad and my cousin...I could have gotten a lot worse...

6) My ability to learn...I have never thought of myself as being very smart...but my school later in life and my jobs that I have acquired after the fact...I'm not as dumb as I thought I was...

7) My pets...they remind me that no matter how bad it may seem (especially when it comes to the opposite sex), there are those that love me unconditionally...maybe we could all take a lesson from them...

Sunday, August 28, 2005


I woke up in one of my moods again.

Actually, I wake up like this a lot.

It's nothing bad, unless you're in bed alone.

Unfortunately, I was.

Sometimes I'm able to overlook it; especially when I have to be at work by a certain time.

But on the weekend I can usually sleep in.

If I had a certain someone here we could stay in bed all day.

But this morning, no one was here, I was alone, and I was hungry.

So hungry, I had to do it. I had to satisfy my hunger the only why I could.

I stretch, arms above my head, legs slightly bent at the knees, whole body arched, a low "mmmmmm."

Once in a while, I can curb my appetite after that and either fall back to sleep or get out of bed.

Not today.

The swell of my breasts, and the hardness of my nipples made it quite obvious.

The fact that the old shirt I wore, buttoned down the front when I went to bed last night, was completely unbuttoned and opened.

I had to touch them. Slide my hands over them. Feel how hard the nipples were.

It was like a current running through them.

I gasped and closed my eyes, enjoying that feeling.

But when I took each nipple between two fingers...

Gently twisting...

Carefully pulling...

Making them ache, not from pain...

But to be licked...


I moaned...aching for a man's mouth to be on me.

It didn't help that I was very wet.

I needed to cum....

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Seems lately I've been having some really weird dreams, many of them short of being nightmares.

Last night's were pretty vivid, things about dead people coming back, but there were good dead people and bad dead people, and I was learning how to kill (again) the bad ones. Sort of like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Hey, I said they were weird, didn't I?

Every once in a while I have a period of time where I have these dreams; once I woke from one where the image of all these teeth and fangs were still in front of me when I woke up.

Then there are the times I've woke up and felt so frightened I had to turn a light on, but I don't remember dreaming anything. Those few moments between waking and touching the light switch are almost as bad; I think that maybe, just maybe something is going to grab me before I can reach the light.

I hate these (who doesn't?), because it makes me feel helpless and foolish, especially when I wait for that hand from under the bed, or that person standing in my way.

When he was here with me, and I woke to one of those, he would tell me to go back to sleep and change my dream, because he could.

Or he would get a little mad for waking him.

I don't ever remember him trying to comfort me.

It would have been nice to get that.

It would have been nice to get hugs more often, kisses much more often, talking to me until I went back to sleep. It would have been nice to be included in a lot of things in his life.

I hated being behind him when we walked into somewhere. It was almost like he was embarrassed to be with me.

Lately guilt has been a constant companion, it seems. But I'm slowly getting away from that. I just remember all these things and how they made me feel. Especially the walking in front of me.

Maybe the next time someone does that, we'll see how much he likes me turning and walking away from him.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Watcher did this on her blog...she asked me to do it, so here goes....

The seven things I plan to do before I die:

1) Love someone completely again...
2) Ride a horse the way I used to...
3) Play my violin wonderfully...
4) Become a better lover...
5) Try parasailing...
6) Become more self-confident...
7) Live in the North Carolina mountains...

The seven things I can do:

1) Make people laugh...
2) Make someone very happy if given the chance...
3) Give great baths...
4) Give great massages...
5) Cum many times...
6) Be very sweet...
7) Fall too easily...

The seven things I can't do:

1) Swim...
2) Be rude...
3) Turn away an animal...
4) Sing...
5) Be quiet in bed...
6) Stand up for myself when I should...
7) Get rid of guilt when I need to...

The seven things that attract me to the opposite sex:

1) A nice ass...
2) Hands...the bigger...mmmmmm
3) A beard...
4) Deep voice...
5) Attitude...
6) Humor...
7) Smile...

The seven things I say the most:

1) Ya'll
2) Shit
3) Fuck
4) Thank You
5) Baby
6) Yes
7) I'm cumming

Seven celebrity crushes:

1) Ray Liotta
2) John Cusack
3) Sam Elliot (it's that voice)
4) Rob Thomas (very nice ass)
5) Randy Owens (Alabama)
6) Vin Diesel
7) Jon Bon Jovi

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


He stands behind me as I start water to boil for our supper.

With strong hands that I fell in love with the first time they touched me, he slides them around me and across my belly, his mouth over my ear, whispering "hello."

I lean into him as he kisses my neck, soft, gentle, making me close my eyes and groan. He knows where to get to me.

I don't notice his hand reaching out to turn the fire off on the stove. His lips nibble at my earlobe as his hands slide down, over my belly, my hips, and down between my legs. He rubs against me over my shorts, and I push back, wanting him to touch more.

Suddenly his fingers are underneath my panties, and he is between my lips, a little rough, but I enjoy him like this. One hand starts to push my clothes down as the other, with more room to rub my swollen clit, begins to move over my hardness, and his groan in my ear urges my legs to open for him even more.

I feel his stiff cock behind me, and I brace myself against the stove top as I push my bare ass back, trying to feel more of him. I moan as he pulls his wet hand away, bringing it up to my lips, urging me to taste. I take it greedily, tasting our cum from that morning, when he made love to me before leaving for work.

I don't hear the sound of a zipper being drawn; suddenly I feel him bare, big and hard pressing along the crack in my ass. His hands grab my waist, pull me back, and he enters my cunt, the sudden feel of him inside me making me cry out.

I grip the edge of the stove as he fucks me, slow and deep, his cock so full inside me. All I can do is thrust back against his strokes, wanting to take every inch he has, his grunts and moans making me feel so hot, his hands holding on to me as if he might lose me.

I'm lost in this. The only thing I feel is him. My eyes half closed, glazed over it seems, my lips slightly parted, trying to breathe with every thrust into me, I am lost.

He slows his movements down, almost to a stop, and when I feel him pull out of me, I whimper and tell him no. His mouth is next to my ear.

"Never doubt that I need you...want you so much..."

His dick, almost dripping from my hungry cunt, slides between my ass cheeks.

"I love you, baby..."

Suddenly his arms pull me closer as he takes my ass, carefully but completely, all the way inside me. Being relaxed because I wasn't expecting this, it almost doesn't hurt when he pushes into me. I gasp and, completely buried, he holds me next to him and stops moving, letting me adjust to him. Feeling me tremble, groaning from the pain he just caused me, he soothes me, telling me it won't hurt for long, that he couldn't help himself. He knows I'd do anything for him. He knows he has a certain power over me. His fingers find me again, and he touches me the way I love to be touched as he begins to fuck my ass.

Clamping down on him, I cry out at the pain, but his words and his fingers make it easier; his breath in my ear telling me how good I feel to him, his words assuring me, and slowly I get used to his cock, sliding in and out of me, and soon we are in our rythm, the pain is gone, and I urge him to go faster.

He has me in the kitchen, up against the stove, his cock deep inside my ass. His fingers are rubbing my clit, and soon our moans are as one, that perfect rythm of ours. I am able to take him completely, and when I tell him this, he grips my waist with both hands and starts to pump me. I can hear him whimper as I push back and contract on his dick. I feel him getting bigger, and I know he's close.

I can hear how wet I am with every thrust, feel how close he is, and I feel myself doing the same.

"Cum inside me, baby.."

He moans, fucking me faster, harder, and I can't help myself...

I cum.

I arch my back as I cry out, almost screaming at the force of it. Now his hands are on my shoulders, holding me as his orgasm takes him, his cries mixing with mine as his cum pumps into me, so wet, so hot, so much, spurting deep inside me. I feel his twitching, along with my own.

Suddenly his arms slide underneath mine, hands on my belly, and he pulls me against him, riding his cum out as he fucks my wet ass, his head next to mine as he gradually slows his strokes, trying to milk his cock. His ragged breath in my ear, his low moans and whimpers as he starts to shake, tell me how intense this was for him.

We stand, or at least try to, in front of that stove, his arms around me as we both catch our breath. He kisses my cheek, his cock not as hard but still inside me, and tells me he's sorry if he hurt me. His right hand pulls back a strand of my hair so he can see my face better, and I hold it to my cheek, turn and kiss his palm.

"Ssshhhhhh," I whisper....

Sunday, August 21, 2005


I hope that everyone is doing well.

Sometimes I don't see them here for a while...I'm greedy about the comments I get...I love knowing people like coming here.

I read everyone's blogs, but I guess like them I don't comment everytime (although Badandy and Narcman could post more often).

BH is always fun to read...she has some really cool opinions and I've decided that I want to be a lot like her. She's that girl in school that at first you were afraid of because she was so tough, but you later learned she's fair and tough. She'd defend her friends and if she saw something wrong she'd speak her mind. Plus her sense of humor is a bit wicked at times.

Watcher is very lyrical in the way she writes, which makes her sadness even more profound. I hope that when she writes it helps her, and I hope she knows she has friends here to listen to her.

Aphrodite has a good take on her return to dating (like I would know about that...). I'd be willing to bet that pretty soon she'll be too busy to blog much anymore.

ER has a lot of neat stories about work. If you haven't read any of his stuff you're missing out.

Frustrated Writer doen't seem to visit often, but he has a way of telling about his life, which seems very full and happy. I envy him.

Seamus and Narcman are two very interesting men. Seamus is always in a great frame of mind. He could make you feel good about anything, and I love how he loves his dog. Narcman has some interesting stories to tell...too bad he doesn't live nearby. I think I'd be tempted to call the police a little more often, but I'm sure that if I kept asking for him, it could be a problem.

Lewis doesn't come here much, but if you want to read someone who will one day be published, go read his blog. He's fantastic.

Angry Android has been here a lot and I am going to link him when I get the chance, if he doesn't mind. He's got some interesting things to say, and he's good at saying them.

The Seeker has stopped by a couple of times, so of course I checked him out. He seems to have a lot to say about, particularly we women and how wonderful we really are (wink).

Buffalo. A man who is rough and learned and speaks his mind, but has a beautiful heart and soul. He'd defend you in an instant, and the way he tells a story makes you wish you were there to hear him speak it. He'll be published one day, too.

Outdrlvr and Badandy. Both of you know how I feel. These two men were always there for me when I needed to talk to someone, long before I started this blog. Since this has helped me deal with certain things, we have better things to talk about now.

Outdrlver is doing what he wants in his life and I am so happy for him. I want to see what he gets to see everyday. He's wise beyond his years, and isn't afraid to say what he means. The fact that he's a sweetheart doesn't hurt any, either. I'm so happy he's my friend.

Badandy sometimes tells me he's not who he seems. I think he's just too humble, and is overwhelmed by the attention he gets. He better get used to it, because he's got a lot of people around here who like him. I adore him, and I am so glad I found him. If you haven't read him yet, please do. Oh God, yes.

So all of you, my friends and soon to be friends, please remember that I am always around, even though I don't say anything at times. Thank you for being here with me. I feel better just knowing you.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


It's storming...raining with thunder and some bad lightning.

I told someone I was going to bed, but I wanted to post.

I'm going to lie in my bed and enjoy this weather.

I'm going to think about a certain someone and let my fingers drift where they may.

I'm going to make myself cum, then I'm going to drift off, wishing he was next to me.

Sleep well, baby....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


As I stood out on the porch this evening, a gentle breeze blew through the windchimes I have hanging overhead.

The sound...was beautiful. Not too loud...perfect...and I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the coolness of the air on my skin.

It was almost a perfect night. The birds you hear near dusk, the chirring of the locusts...no one outside that really made much noise. You could hear children playing in the distance.

All I needed...all I wanted......

Strong arms to hold me....gentle kiss on my neck...whisper in my ear..."what are we making for dinner?"

We...when we were together, all those years, only once did we actually make dinner together.

I always thought it was so romantic to do that...whether it was a nice full course meal or macaroni and cheese...extra cheese, of course...no matter the mess afterward, no matter that it may just be a pizza that was delivered...getting ready with plates and drinks while we talked and laughed...how can that not be romantic?

I swear the man that is lucky enough to open a box of mac and cheese for the two of us had better be romantic...or he will learn...

In case he's reading this....daisies are my favorite...I love the color blue...I like having my hair brushed...and I love it when you touch me.


Monday, August 15, 2005


One of my favorite words is "fuck."

Surprised you again, huh?

I hate to admit it, but sometimes I say it outside of the bedroom (or dining room, or bathroom..), when I get angry . I shouldn't, I know, but I can't help it. It's a bad habit. I'm trying to break it.

However, when I'm with someone...or even when I'm all alone and having to take care of that sudden urge...I will say it.

It's then that I love to hear it...love to say it, and definately love to do it.

My other favorite word is "cock."

I don't particularly like the word "dick," although I'll use it when I write.

I also use the word "prick."

But I prefer..."cock."

Now the one word...that all women hate...I won't call my worst enemy this...but I love to say it...at a certain time...


It appalls me when someone uses it as an insult. It's the worst insult you can give to someone.


When in the throes of lust....I use it...to give direction...so to speak....

In other words...don't call me that....but I sure want you to fuck it....with your cock...

Oh yes....right there...mmmmm...





...my cunt....


Sometimes I worry.

Watcher is feeling bad about herself, even more so lately.

I've never met her in person, but from what I can tell from here, she's a great woman with a beautiful heart. I'm glad she comes here, and that I can go to her site...and I hope to meet her someday.

She's just getting tired of people shitting on her.

I don't blame her. That shit is for when you're growing up (although I couldn't understand it then, either.)

What makes an adult do such bad things to hurt another?

You guys who are what we women crave to meet, to know one day, should be disgusted...these men she talks of make all men look like assholes. Maybe we should send BH down there to kick some ass.

I bet she could do it, too.

I hope you don't mind me bringing this up, Watcher...but I want everyone to go to your site and say hello...to prove that you have others thinking about you.

And by the way...you may not believe this, but I look up to you. I don't know the whole story of your life, but I do know it's a bad one at times. Some day I hope you tell me about what's happened.

I admire how strong you are.

Please just stay that way.

Everyone...click on her name up there on the left...be nice...she needs nice right now.

Oh, and I bet some chocolate wouldn't hurt, either...


Gripping the table...trying to hold on...


Each slam into me makes me slide over the surface...

My breasts flattened against the wood...

Hands holding my hips...tight...hurting...

Pulling me back on him, as he pushes deeper...

I try to raise my ass higher...want more...fuckkk....

"Be still..." he says.."just take it..."

There...he finds it...sudden pain...

I cry out as he moans....."yessss..."

Now every stroke...that spot...

I jump with each hit....gripping him...

"Harder," I whimper....

Riding me...




After fuck...


After moan...

I gasp I'm cumming...

He twitches....


Fuck so big.........


Cumming now baby...



Owww....holding me...



Fuck.......I'm hungry.


I'm missing someone tonight.

I was kind of shitty to him when I felt he was shitty to me.

I think I need to realize that I can't be special to anyone, really. That's what I wanted.

I try not to be so anxious about things, but a little attention feels so fucking good.

I need to stop being so needy.

I need to stop wearing my heart on my sleeve.

I need to stop expecting so much.

Oh, and I need to get a digital camera.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


She wakes in the early morning light, realizing it must be close to six...

Her arm over his waist, she snuggles closer to him, breathing in his scent, and he sighs in his sleep as she kisses his shoulder very lightly. Her hand begins to run over his belly, lightly tracing lines over his skin. Now she moves to lay her head on his chest, and for a moment it seems he might wake up, but he settles down to more sleep.

She lays there with him, her hand lazily caressing his body, and she can't help herself, she has to touch him. Her hand slowly moves down across his stomach, her fingers gently tugging on his hair, being careful not to hurt him. She raises her head to look back at his face, satisfied she hasn't woke him....yet.

She moves down on the bed, leaning over to plant a kiss just above his belly button. Her tongue flicks into that little hole, and she hears a faint groan from him. Looking up, she sees him stirring, but still he sleeps.

Now she turns her attention back to where it was. For a moment she stops to just look at him. His body, which just a few hours earlier was on top of hers, so beautiful, so strong. She loved the way he was so tender with her, yet sometimes she saw an uncontrolable part of him that he was able to keep in check. She knew that somewhere, deep inside, he kept things hidden, from everyone.

That's why she loved watching him, why she enjoyed the way he came.

It was the one time she knew she saw how he really felt.

One arm held her up on the bed while the other slid farther and farther down the length of his torso. Her legs were beside his chest, her feet almost to his shoulder, and when she bent down to kiss where his pelvis ended and his cock began, he groaned again, his hand finding her leg and moving up on the side of it, barely gripping her. He was still asleep.

She leaned down and kissed the tip of his cock. She could taste the two of them. It was almost completely hard, and when she licked a circle around it, his hand grabbed her ankle and she heard him moan. When she looked back at him, his eyes were still closed, but his breathing was deeper and faster.

Now she turned around so that she could see his face as she tasted him.

She licked him again, and this time both hands came up and slid into her hair. She took the tip of his head into her mouth and began to suck it, and his hands pulled her to him.

Now he was definately awake.

She took more of him in her mouth.

He quietly moaned her name, and as she took more of him, he thrust his hips, wanting her to take him as deep as she could.

She accommodated him very well.

She took more, making him gasp as she swallowed every inch he had. His hands were guiding her head, but she didn't need any direction. She knew what he wanted, and when she sucked his cock, her tongue and her mouth working to make him squirm beneath her touch, he was hers.

She teased him, enjoying it when he started begging her to keep sucking it, enjoying how this made him hers. This was the power she loved to have over him.

She moaned on his hard dick, making him jump.

"fuck, baby...such a good cocksucker," and she slowed down her strokes enough to slowly...





When she swallowed his dick, the head of him nearly down her throat, he cried out and started to move into her. His hands held her head still, and his strokes soon became faster and a bit more rough. But she would take him.

And she did.

Soon he was fucking her mouth, the same way he fucked her cunt when she straddled his cock, thrusting into her, his moans more frequent, his cock so hard, so big. She was able to take all of him, but sometime he seemed to grow even more. She had to be careful...she wanted so much to please him.

And she was thirsty....

Now she managed to slow his thrusts down...she wanted to be the one to make him cum.

She was gentle with him, but knew when to rake her teeth across his skin or take a nibble; she knew he loved having his cock sucked, but this is the first he'd ever been woke this way.

Her mouth did everything he wanted , everything he needed, and soon she knew he was getting close. His cock, so hard inside her, was getting bigger, and she heard the way his breathing changed.

He was so close, now.

"Thirsty baby, aren't you..."

She moaned on him and sucked harder.

"Fuck baby...drink me ohfuckbabyhereitisfor you...ohhhhfuckyessss.."

She barely managed to swallow that first spurt of cum. She drank as fast as she could, his thrusting making it difficult, but she swallowed as much as possible.

It seemed he would never stop. Hot cum at the back of her throat, she enjoyed every drop he gave her. His hands held onto her now more out of necessity than to guide her. He couldn't let go, his whole body reacting to her touch.

All too soon his orgasm began to fade, but it had been so intense that he could only lay there, trying to catch his breath. He was able to let go of her hair, and his arm fell to his side as he closed his eyes, his breathing slowing down, along with his heartbeat.

Very gently she pulled off of his cock. He hissed and grabbed her arm, but was too weak to be able to do anything more. He released her, and when she moved up to look into his face, he slowly slid his hand onto her back. He looked up at her, almost dreamily, a slight smile on his face. She kissed him, whispering his name.

"Good morning..."

Looking up at her, he laughed, making her smile, and she kissed him again. Then she lay down beside him, her arm over his belly, her mouth close to his ear, and she whispered to him, things that only the two of them would share, until they both drifted back to sleep.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


In spite of what I may have written lately, I have a romantic side.

It's one of the reasons we had trouble in our relationship.

I needed it, and he didn't seem to think it was important.

Trust me...if your significant other likes romance, it's important.

If you think romance consists of a blowjob and a quick fuck, you're sadly mistaken.

You don't have to buy a dozen roses to impress someone...at least if she isn't the type to expect more.

I always thought a single daisy would be so nice...better than a bunch. A single one seems more meaningful, for some reason.

But I only got flowers from him...maybe twice, when we were together.

He always insisted on giving me something I needed...instead of what I wanted.

He never realized that maybe what I needed IS what I wanted.

I wanted so much to have his fingers on my face...caressing me.

Kisses on my cheek, my lips, my shoulder.

I wanted him to look me in the eye in when he slid inside me...when he slowly had me...when he surrendered to me...and when I surrendered to him.

I still want all of this.

I want to hear my name being spoken with passion...tenderness...excitement...and love.

I want someone who will gently push me down on the bed and taste me like he's starving.

I want to devour him until he's losing whatever control he has over his passions.

I want to be held against him.

I want to listen to his breathing...to his heartbeat.

I want to talk in bed, in the dark. Fuck, I miss that so much. Talking about anything and everything. Making plans together, sharing an old childhood memory, laughing and crying.

I want to make love together. That wonderful, slow, languid fuck that drives you crazy with every stroke, bringing you so close to cumming, but not just yet...everything is perfectly wet, tight, and full. It's difficult to breathe. You hardly say a word to each other, because you don't need to.

The look on both your faces is all you need to show one another how you feel, both physically and emotionally.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Working around the house, dressed in nothing but an old flannel shirt and some socks, she stands behind a recliner, sorting old clothes and singing along to Alison Krauss.

She doesn't hear someone come up behind her, but is startled when he grabs her by the waste and pushes her closer to the chair.

She and her ex still get together once in a while, and he's been known to surprise her sometimes. She tries to sound like she isn't happy he's snuck up on her, but when his hands start to touch her, she just relaxes and leans back against him.

His breath in her ear, she enjoys his big hands on her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples, making them hard and ready. With one arm around her waist, he begins to unbutton her shirt, and soon his hands are under the fabric, making her moan to his touch.

He says nothing.

She closes her eyes as he fondles her. She can tell by the way his breathing is changing that he's enjoying this as much as she is. Her hands come up to lay over his, intent on helping him find his way. Soon they are sliding down along her belly and between her legs. His fingers find her hard clit, and he groans when she gasps, his hand moving ever so slightly, rubbing her, feeling how wet she's become. She moans and pushes her ass back against him, feeling how much he really enjoys this.

Now one hand is moving off of her and to his belt, while the other continues to make her squirm. She can hear the metal buckle being released, and a zipper being opened. She hears clothes falling to the floor, and wants very badly to touch him.

She reaches back and wraps her hand around his thick cock, taking his breath away when she squeezes. Slowly she strokes him, loving the feel of such soft skin on such a hard dick.

Still no words from him. Just breathing.

It takes a moment, but suddenly she notices something.

This cock is big. Her ex always had a nice dick, but not like this.

She gasps.

He knows now what she knows, and suddenly he moves her hand and holds onto her waist, pulling her to him as he shoves himself deep inside her cunt.

She can only cry out, the feel of him so full and hard, trying to brace herself against the recliner as he starts to take her.

A stranger has come into her house and is fucking her, taking her silently.

She cums, hard and fast.

He moans and pushes into her harder, the feel of her hungry pussy sucking on him, making him want her more. His thrusts make her orgasm go on and on, and now all she can do is whimper as he pumps her. He slams into her cunt wall, the pain making her jump.

There's no way she'd let him stop.

His cock, so thick and hard, gives her just what she's needed for so long. His hands hold her tightly as he fucks her, and it doesn't even matter any more that she doesn't know him.

She just wants him to keep fucking her.

Her back arched to take him deeper, she holds herself against the back of the chair, and he moans when she does this. Soon she'll explode on him again, and she begins to push back as he thrusts forward, wanting to take all of him. Every inch is sliding in and out of her body, and his moans are more frequent. He whispers "fuck" and she can feel him grow even more....he's very close.

Suddenly his hands dig into her flesh as he starts to moan, thrusting harder and faster. The pain she felt earlier is gone, and she feels her cunt swelling on him, so close to cumming again. He rides her now, crying out as he surrenders to her, hot cum spurting deep inside her. Almost screaming, she releases more of herself to him, and it seems like they will never stop.

She leans over the back of the chair, her pussy still spasming on his twitching prick. He bends over to lay his head against her back, trying to catch his breath, enjoying the feel of her wrapped around him, sucking on him.

They stand there like that, no words, both of them trying to breath normally again. After a few minutes, he pulls out of her, making her groan, and pulls her up against him, his mouth by her ear. Both are shaking, but he's the one that has to hold her up. His hand comes up to hold her head, but he won't let her turn around. He gently kisses her cheek.

"Thank you , baby." he whispers, and as she stands there trying to gain some semblence of composure, he leaves.

She has no idea who he was, but she hopes he'll come back sometime...soon.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I was in a bad frame of mind when I broke off with my ex.

I was the one who'd said it was over. He took it very, very hard. I felt guilty because of that.

But a couple of months later, I was sitting in my doctor's office, getting checked for high blood pressure. I started to cry uncontrollably.

My doctor sat down and talked to me; made me feel better about things.

I was feeling guilty; I was not sleeping well because of it; I was worried that I had inherited my dad's problem.

She put me on a new drug that releases seratonin in your brain. Basically a happy pill.

It's been great. No mood swings, I feel better than I have in a long time, and it doesn't make me loopy or drowsy.

Lately I've noticed, a couple of times at least, that maybe it isn't working as well as it was before. I got pissed over something at work (bad day and nothing went right), and tonight I got a little sad over a movie ending. It showed a guy and a girl in love...and had all the usual...romance, affection, families accepting the outsider.

Another reminder of what I never had, and probably won't have anytime soon.

Maybe I'm just plain sad. I hope so. I want to be rid of this fucking guilt.


Dammit...I'm getting hungry....

I don't want a toy.

I want something else....

Where's a Dial -A-Fuck when you need it?

Friday, August 05, 2005


I need to clear something up about my last post.

First, let me just say I love the people that come here...Aphrodite and BH both expressed concern over my feelings for a friend. Watcher has a wonderfully lyrical way of saying "just watch yourself..."

I really don't have too many people around me. My father is away and my mother hates me. My ex realized too late what he had and we are no more. I have friends, but they are either married or just not that close.

Thank you for making me feel like I am important enough. All of you that comment and give me advice...I appreciate what you do...

The man in my last post is someone I have known for a couple of years, altho we've never really met. He was always there to talk me out of my bad days...when I was sick he would keep my mind off of my situation.

He's sweet, caring, has a great sense of humor, and makes me very hot.

To be honest, I'd fuck him in a heartbeat if given the chance...and believe me, I want the chance.

Then again, there's another friend that has been great to me...tells me when I've done something wrong...but in a nice way...and makes sure to push me towards the right path. He's smart and sweet, but tells you what he thinks. I've known him even longer, but, haven't really met him, either.

I have to admit it, he makes me hot, too.

But I know how life is, the way it gets in the way, how things happen every day that change how you live.

I'm being very careful...but one can dream..

Thursday, August 04, 2005


I just talked to him a couple of hours ago.

He makes me crazy...I want him so bad.

He makes me need.

He makes me want.

I swear, if we were in the same room together, I'd let him do what ever he wanted to me. I just hope he doesn't leave me.

He knows what he does to me...it makes him hard, I bet, knowing I get so hungry.

He knows what I need to do if it gets bad enough, and he tells me he will be the one to do that soon...

Damn you, come back...I need you, and you need me.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Sunday I was so hungry I lay in bed and played a while.

I couldn't help myself.

It was so bad, I played with both toys.

Once I used my hand...which is good for that slow, sensual play...where you want to enjoy your body and really discover how you can make yourself feel...

Once I used B.O.B....only for my clit, it makes me cum hard, pretty intense if I can keep myself from losing my self-control...

The rubber one I have, about eight inches long and thick, I use when I need to feel....filled. Unless someone is helping me, I slowly sink down on top of my toy. It gets so deep, just the way I like it, and I can fuck myself for hours if I want to. When I use that, my cum is deeper, and it seems to almost linger.

One thing my ex didn't like me to do is watch him. I tried to get him to understand that I enjoy that, that I love to see a man stroking.

I like to be watched, laying there while my lover slowly strokes his cock, my hand or my toy making me very wet. I enjoy the look on his face as he sees me like this, and as I get off, I love to be entered....it makes my cum last a long time, not to mention the benefits for the man who has me.

Sometimes I hate this...no one here but me.

God I miss a man's touch.

I think the first time I am with someone, I want him to just hold onto me for a while...touch me...fucking talk to me...let me enjoy his voice and his hands, the way he breathes and smells, his laugh and how he looks at me when I surrender to him.

Will we fuck first, or make love first?

I don't care...I just want it.


He should be missing me....all those mornings when I woke him.

Sometimes I'd use my hands...just touching and caressing, squeezing and stroking.

Sometimes I'd use my mouth...tasting and licking...sucking him awake until his hands took me by the head and held me to him, whispering "yesss" and "fuck, baby," as I drove him. He liked to fuck my mouth...and I loved drinking him...

Sometimes I'd use my cunt...as hungry as always, I'd straddle him and ease down onto him, closing my eyes and rocking on his hard prick. Then I'd feel his thrust as he grabbed me by the waist, and we'd fuck, slow and quiet, building up that cum between us, not saying anything, not needing to. The way our breathing changed, the way we sighed and moaned and groaned, until low moans became loud cries of sexual release.

No one is here to enjoy this with me. I guess I miss someone taking advantage of me this way. At first that sounds demeaning, but it is something I enjoy.

I love the fact I can make someone do things that make him lose control...that make him putty in my hands...like others have said (you know who you are), the power we have is incredible. I've discovered these last few months how much power I do have.

There is a catch, though. There always is, I assume. No matter who it is, you will have to be good to me...and by that, I don't mean materialistic things (although surprising me with a daisy, or even a new toy can be a good thing). Basically it sums up everything.

Be good to me...and I will give you the world.

Now some may think the world means riches and wealth and all that stuff.

I have something better than that...

I have me.

Some may think that's a bit presumptious of me, but just you wait.

What have I got that you want?

I am loyal to the core. I'll stand with you when you need me, defend you and do my best to protect you if I can.

I will listen to you when you need to tell me something, whether it's something good or bad. I'll argue with you if I don't agree, expect you to do the same, and respect you even when you won't admit I am right.

I will help you when you need it, whether you ask me or not, but never let you think you're any less for it. All I'd want in return is a hug.

I'll do my best to give you your time alone or with friends, and be here when you get back...ready for you.

I will let you cry when you need to, and you'll never have to be embarrassed about it, because you'd do the same for me. I'll let you vent when you need to, because sometimes it just helps.

When I give myself to you, you will own me...you will never hurt me, and even though you may drive me to my knees sometimes, it's only to take you hard in my mouth and prove once again that I am the one you need.

When I give myself to you, you will own me...my cunt will be yours whenever you want it, and when I cum on you, it will prove once again that you are the one I need.

When you own me, you will have a great responsibility.

I want to be the best friend you've ever had, and the best fuck you'll ever need.

When I tell you I love you, you'll know I mean it.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Since starting this blog, I've been able to get a lot of things "settled" in my life.

Writing does help.

I know it seems like all I write about lately is sex. But I write about what I'm feeling, and what I hope for. And I'm sure everyone would agree, my bitching can be a bit tiresome.

The links that are listed on the left over there are some cool people I've "met" through this site. (Some I've known for a lot longer...and I'm very happy to have them here with me, too) They come and read, and I hate to admit it, but I have to check everyday to see if I have any comments. It's addicting.

I love the way people come together and give you advice or encouragement when it's needed. It's nice to know someone cares enough to do that.

I want everyone to know that through all of this, your little serious, and sometimes not so serious remarks have made a difference to me. I appreciate every one of you, and please, keep coming back.

Anyone else who comes here and enjoys what they read, I will gladly link you if you'd let me.